Weltrode WC 5100 AC-DC
DIN 1913 E51 54B (R) 10
ISO 2560 E51 5B110 24H
Sizes :
2.5 x 300 mm
3.15 x 350 mm
4 x 350 mm
Availability : In Stock
Moisture Resistant Low Hydrogen Type Coated Electrode For Low To Medium Alloy Steels.
- Flexible Flux Coating Allows Bending Of Electrode For Difficult Positions In Maintenance Welding.
- Excellent Re Strike Characteristic Enables Even An Unskilled Welder To Weld Repair Without Sticking.
- Extremely Smooth - Spatter And Turbulence Free Arc Transfer.
- All Position Welding Possible. Ideal For Overhead And Vertical Down Position Welding.
- Can Weld Galvanized Steels And Also Operates In Submerged Conditions.
- Excellent For Joining Boiler Plates, Pipe Steel, Ship Building Steels And Cast Steels.
- Weld All Construction Steels In Form Of Angles, Channels,“T”,“I” And “H” Sections, Particularly Weathering Steel And Steels Designed For Outdoor Service.
- Welds Machining Steels, Steels To Be Subsequently Chrome Plated Or Joints Under High Restraint, Such As Very Thick Sections Or Circumferential Design.
- ForOverlayingShaftsAndOtherWornPartsWhenVeryHighWeldMetalDensityIsRequired.
Tensile Strength 84,000 PSI
Yield Strength 69,000 PSI
Elongation 32%
- Clean Surface And Deposit Electrode Holding A Close-To-Medium Arc Gap.
- Use Stringer Bead Or Moderate Weave Technique And Back-Whip All Craters.
- Remove Slag Between Passes With Wire Brush.
- Horizontal Fillets Can Be Touch Welded By Raising The Amperage Approximately By 10%.
- Use Any Constant Current AC Transformer Or DC Generator/Rectifier Providing A Minimum Of 65 Volts Open Circuit.
- Use DC Reverse Polarity.