Felix 608 DC(7018-A1)
AWS/ASME A 5.5 E7018-A1
Sizes :
2.5 x 300 mm
3.15 x 350 mm
4 x 350 mm
Customized Sizes Can Be Made.
Availability : In Stock
Premium Basic Coated Electrode For Welding Of 0.5 % Mo Alloyed Creep Resistant Steels.
- Special Formulated Low Hydrogen Coating Provides Weld Deposits With Excellent Crack Resistance And High Ductility .
- Weld Metal Is Molybdenum Alloyed With Operating Tempratures Upto 550° C .
- Recovery As High As 110 % Due To Addition Of Iron Powder .
- Porosity Free Welds With Good Arc Stability , Low Spatters And Easily Removable Slag .
For Welding Of Molybedenum Alloyed Heat Resistant Steel , Creep Resistant Steels , Medium And High Tensile Alloy Steels Used For Boiler , Preassure Vessels , Tube Steels , Pipings Heavy Fabrication , Storage Tanks Etc .
Tensile Strength 81000 PSI
Yield Strength 72000 PSI
Elongation 24 %
ISO - V (J) - 40° C Min 60
- Clean Weld Area . Preheating , Interpass Temprature And Post Weld Treatment Depending On Base Metal .
- Arc Length Should Be Kept As Short As Possible . Avoid Excessive Wide Weaving .
- Stringer Beads Are Recommended Use DC Reverse Polarity .